Finance for a sole trader usually comes from the individual's own savings or from family and friends. 个体户的资金通常来自个人积蓄或者来自亲朋好友。
It is quite the reverse – a private enterprise run by a sole trader. 恰恰相反,它是一家由个体户经营的私有企业。
The sole trader is personally entitled to all of the net assets and profits and conversely, personally liable for all business taxes and debts. 享有全部的财产和利润,同时承担所有的税务和债务。
In Britain, if it's just you, the easiest is to be a sole trader. 在英国,如果你只是一个人,最简单的就是自己当老板。
Company, corporation, firm, enterprise, institution, charity, sole trader, association, or parts or combination thereof. 公司、集团、商行、企事业单位、研究机构、慈善机构、代理商、社团或上述组织的部分或组合。